Today every organisation knows it must adapt to survive. I have helped many of the organisations I have worked with over the last 25 years to successfully transform their culture and ways of working to be more inclusive, psychologically safe and high performing in a world characterised by the acceleration of technological and cultural change. I am sharing two of many examples below.
First I was part of the executive leadership team of a start-up a mobile phone operator in Afghanistan in 2003 growing it to over one thousand employees and one million customers in three years while ensuring we hired and elevated women into leadership positions in a country where that was not the norm. Second as a Managing Director at Expedia Group I built and led the Organisational Transformation function. Its purpose was to create an inclusive and high performing three thousand person division by retraining several hundred people managers as coaches and embedding that new behaviour thereby creating a coaching culture to replace the pre-existing command and control approach. This transformation was further enabled via the implementation of machine learning technologies to better define and surface commercial opportunities. The division's key performance incidators all improved.
Please get in touch if you would like to have a conversation about how I might be able to help your organisation build the skills and capabilities to transform your company culture.